At the Club Shop, we have the biggest selection of golf grips in the High Country and offer on site regripping with 50 years of experience. Getting the right grip is important in golf. We carry a large selection of men's and women's grips, putter grips from Winn, Golf Pride, Superstroke, Scotty Cameron and more. Sizes from standard, mid size and oversize grips. We are here to help you find what you are looking for.
Installed On Site
We have 50 years of experience in grip installation. All grips are professionally installed by hand on site. No vices are used which means your clubs will be cared for and less susceptible to damage.
Quick Turnaround
We strive to get you the quickest turnaround. Sometimes we can put new grips on while you wait. Other times, we can coordinate drop off or pickup options. Give us a call.
With so many options to choose from, we can help you find and choose the right grip. We have expertise in helping choosing the right size or grip for your situation.
Golf is a personal sport and so is the grip of the club. Some prefer a tacky feel, certain colors, style, etc. For others, if you have arthritis, you may want a softer grip or a larger grip to help.
Sizes and Brands
For men and women, we have a large selection of brands from Winn, Golf Pride, Superstroke, Scotty Cameron and more. We also have a variety of colors and sizes from standard to oversize.
Do It Yourself
For the do it yourself option, you can purchase what you need from grips to grip tape.
Why Regrip?
Like a rubber tire on a car wears over time depending on how much it is driven, clubs are the same. They wear out over time and need to be replaced. Professional golfers change their grips as often as every week, but the everyday golfer needs to decide their preference. A golf swing begins by a proper grip of the club. The life of a grip is usually 50 to 75 rounds, it's not that they always wear over time but they get harder. With fresh grips you will grip the club lighter.
Do I Need New Grips?
We can give you an honest opinion if you want to bring your clubs into the store. This can depend on how much you play, the age of the grips, and your personal preference.